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Reuploaded the HTML5 files to fix a crashing error. This issue should no longer happen. Download the new files if you previously downloaded the previous version (or keep them, up to you XD) If you encounter any other bugs, let me know!

Edit: if you come across any errors, lemme know! I can't do much about lag, but if the animation completely freezes, let me know what you were doing just before it froze and I'll try to root out the issue

Link to file >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/sadf2psdc

Password >>> onlytookDimfiftyyearstofinishitcringe

Link to file with password embedded >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/sadf2psdc?password=onlytookDimfiftyyearstofinishitcringe

MEGA 4K >>> https://mega.nz/file/VIYGiQzZ#AaCxHwHVJeXpbYwCKpmrlRtRc3v_CxjTO-qRJxHvoN4

MEGA 1080p >>> https://mega.nz/file/tAw3wYAB#0kukW9aIKe7lAUeaA-vOAJ1z7FGmYT_I85GbAWUhCHM

Saa finishes off her "snek" training with a little cardio. What could go wrong? Nothing...nothing at all...

Finally, here it is! Apologies for all the delays and confusion. All of Saa's animations are now, truly, complete. I really should stop doing animation expansions for every Deluxe file, or I'll never finish any project XD

This file is mainly one expansion scene, but there's a lot going on under the hood to keep it all working and dynamic. I won't bore you with the details, but it's not just Saa's outfit that is working overtime to keep Saa in one place! The animation should run fairly smoothly for the most part, but when "everything" is jiggling, mainly the breasts, you may encounter some lag.

Anyway, that's enough out of me. I hope you enjoy this final animation of the Saa-ga. Time to move onto animations featuring my OCs, the first one being a runner-up animation for Nioma. :o In the meantime, I'm going to go rest. Thanks again for your patience!




just to let you know it freezes when you max size or really slows down bad


Max size lags for me too unfortunately, but if it actually freezes or crashes, what did you do before it froze completely? Ie clicked on an element or button


I maxed out the thighs and I was trying to release bust and it froze


Had a freeze myself after maxing out thighs and then clicking her chest.

Chris Wreker

Great timing especially for Easter. After seeing it, I got to say Saa still has a delicious booty, especially in that skin-tight reptile workout clothes.


Thanks for the details, this error should be resolved! This is what happens when one line of code is slightly wrong XD Thanks again for letting me know!

Richard Handy

I wasn't expecting an entire run cycle. Starting to realize why this one took as long as it did. Nice detail work and I definitely appreciate the idea of her grinding to a halt after growing so much. I personally prefer your OC's to all the vtuber stuff, so no offense but I'm glad Saa is finished.


Animating the belly is easy, but getting the run cycles to look right is the real challenge. I could probably get these things done quicker if I focused on the tum XD And ye, working on other characters is fun but I'm always eager to get back to my OCs. I'm lucky that a lot of my audience is eagerly awaiting more OC animations too ♥

Mars Shadow

That is one strong treadmill. A lesser machine would have folded under all those curves.