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And the winner with a clear 50 vote lead was...Meiko Shiraki from Prison School! 

As is the usual way of doing things here, I will switch over to making Meiko's DimMini, with the ̶h̶o̶p̶e̶ plan of finishing it by / on Sunday. Not 100% sure what I'm doing with her yet, but considering her design, expect a lot of wobbling, and expecting. I'm starting to notice a trend with the characters that win these polls...

I'm going to confirm right now that this is the final DimMini to feature your characters, until I finish Bess' animation. The next poll to feature your characters will be a full animated pin-up package (normal + Deluxe animations)! I'll post the next character suggestion post this weekend, once I've finished and posted Meiko's animation. 

As for Saa's Deluxe, I've already made quite a lot of headway on her first scene, let's say 60-70% of progress. As mentioned previously, I'll post this scene when it's done, because there isn't any story to ruin. I'll return to working on that once Meiko is completed. If all goes well, that will be posted sometime next week. And if all goes perfectly (knocks on wood), all three Saa scenes will be posted before March ends. We'll see if that actually happens, though...

That's enough talk outta me. Back to the booba and tums. Any questions, you know how to reach me. TTFN!


Chris Wreker

Yeah now that you mention it, something seems to be trending 🤔 when it comes to these 'type' of characters.