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B-better late than never? Hah...hahah...

Anyway, here's two belated sketches from February. Both are OCs belonging to the patrons, in situations of their own devising. I may have tweaked said situations slightly, giving them a "Dim Pixel" flavour. *evil grin*

These sketches continue my theme of "no consistent style whatsoever" for my hand drawn stuff, and I decided a more "sketchy" brush was fun to use this month. Fun Fact: these drawings are about the only time I draw by "hand" any more. In fact, my poor tablet is covered in dust every time I come to use it. I really should practice more...

Tomorrow is the final (?!) DimMini poll to feature patron-suggested characters, because after this poll, your characters will be eligible for the next animated pin-up! But we can talk about that another time. If you've yet to suggest a character for the poll, you have about...12 hours (rough estimate) to do so.  Be quick!

Okie doke, time to plan out Saa's final Deluxe and prepare the file for work. TTFN!



Chris Wreker

given how the Clown girl keeps appearing, I feel she should get her own animation of some sort. Also slightly interested in this Jodie character.