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Video Download >>> https://mega.nz/file/REgFiTIZ#lDjyum-SfTCo0CpwaMMZXWTPIa-OhpTtTfGiIRd1ujY 

YouTube >>> https://youtube.com/shorts/25wSQJux__Y 

(Video was immediately age-restricted, so you'll have to go to YouTube to watch it. I guess that's what I get for making it too fetishy...) 

Modern phones really are quite amazing. Maybe too amazing...

Somehow, this is the first time I've ever drawn Winona. Well, that's now changed! I decided to try a more "dynamic" way of making these animations, see if I can make them feel less stiff and posed. Doing them this way might cause some problems, but then, I tend to cause a lot of problems for myself. &_@

I didn't quite get to do all that I wanted to, but I've taken long enough with this animation already, so I had to stop messing with it and get it posted. Lemme know what you think! 

Anyway, tomorrow or Tuesday I'll post an update, along with some suggestion posts for the winning Dim OC and characters for the next DimMini poll. TTFN!


(No title)



My gosh this is amazing - please do more like this one!


Is there a .gif version?


I tried, but not only was the file gigantic, it looked absolutely terrible. I could try making a gif of the final section, but with how many colours / textures there are in this, it won't look great. Apologies!

Joshua S

Oh I love that! Shame she didnt press that x4 button!

Chris Wreker

What a interesting short.