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  • Alexstrasza Runner-up Loop 1.mp4
  • Alexstrasza Runner-up Loop 2.mp4
  • Alexstrasza Runner-up Main.mp4



Alexstrasza's new "rotation" encouraged a lot of players to switch to Alexstrasza for some reason...I expect a new patch coming soon.

I know nothing about WoW stuff, apart from the designs are a total headache to translate into my "style". As such, I stripped it down to the bare basics, because otherwise I would die. Videos are also uploaded because this one didn't quite compress to gif correctly. Welp. 

Anyway, hope you enjoy! Time to do some xmas shopping, plan out Fawn's animation and try to stay warm in sub-zero temperatures. TTFN!




Alex, my beloved


Alexstrazsa was the “Life Binder,” charged with being the warden of life on Azeroth (until the dragons lost their ordained roles at the end of Cataclysm, at least). She is also the matriarch of the red dragons and mother to most of them. She is probably the most powerful dragon after Deathwing considering she once fought him to a standstill, and I think is the only dragon that ever fought him alone and lived. One of the more fucked up moments of her story was during the events of Warcraft 2. Deathwing helped the Orcs capture her, and they forced her and her consorts to breed and lay eggs for the orcs to use as dragon mounts. Also, during Cataclysm, her prime consort sacrificed himself to blow up almost all the dragon eggs in the world, a large chunk of which were hers, because they were being mutated into Chromatic Dragons.

DimPixelAnimations (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-28 00:46:38 I remember looking at a lore page for a WoW character and seeing how far down it scrolled and thinking "I'm not looking forward to reading this if one of these characters wins" >_>
2022-12-18 20:49:53 I remember looking at a lore page for a WoW character and seeing how far down it scrolled and thinking "I'm not looking forward to reading this if one of these characters wins" >_>

I remember looking at a lore page for a WoW character and seeing how far down it scrolled and thinking "I'm not looking forward to reading this if one of these characters wins" >_>


Love the Alextraza art! Hope to see her in a future animation someday


Thanks! If that happens, I'll likely try to figure out how to remove her armour as quickly as possible, for my sanity lol


Lol yea makes sense, would be totally ok reusing this for the armored part if possible.