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Remember how Bess is unable to say "no"? Old habits die hard, it seems...

Uploaded in four parts, because I made this way too long, and the four-part gif was a mess in multiple ways. I was going to do loops anyway, so this works out fine XD

Okie doke, back to work on Hana's Deluxe. TTFN!




Oh god PLEASE eventually do one with the quads added! XD


I do not regret my vote whatsoever


I do feel that if Janet had won it would not have been this good. Which pains me, since I am like the biggest Janet fan..... But alas, one must admit defeat.

Richard Handy

Very cute and fun. That last panel reminds me of a stand up joke about a guy's body sending every pain signal it can think of to stop him from swallowing a burger. "Being eaten by a shark, try that one!"


Sometimes I think the concept of a idea doesn't quite come through in the sketches, which might be my fault. Generally, I think most of the ideas would be acceptable gifs, but then maybe patrons can sense which one of them is the true gold better than I can XD