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Part 1 (With New Ending)

Link to file >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/rihdlcpt1ss
Password >>> seriouslyhowlongdidthistakeyouDim
Link to file with password embedded >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/rihdlcpt1ss?password=seriouslyhowlongdidthistakeyouDim
Stash (Part 1 with new ending & Part 2) >>> https://sta.sh/21t8k8bh6lw0
MEGA 4k >>> https://mega.nz/file/gJRVHCzC#YJcSNzaiDMJPCKdFnrNKC7TWnQ8_AwGCSG1QZ3fnLwI
MEGA 1080p >>> https://mega.nz/file/0MBAGb7T#or4OtnDYAYhAHHGAtL_6mopXI3bXwKuQ_XlaJ9nISaE
MEGA 4K Part 1 Ending >>> https://mega.nz/file/lExiGY6I#lhnbIJaJ15G6BBSm5IoW35VBboHOUzo6zj8Ry9LXhRY
MEGA 1080p >>> https://mega.nz/file/4YAEzagY#scfelX86AspFlrrNquFln1XGqkIGiN8gL9-83rSazt4 

Part 2

Link to file >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/rihdlpt2en
Password >>> slowestPatreoncreatorever
Link to file with password embedded >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/rihdlpt2en?password=slowestPatreoncreatorever
Stash (Part 1 with new ending & Part 2) >>> https://sta.sh/21t8k8bh6lw0
MEGA 4K >>> https://mega.nz/file/pAxX1DCb#NDkHIOMIXOB5I6DjXgitfgdqWtZ7DODQicTdlcpC0q8
MEGA 1080p >>> https://mega.nz/file/4YAEzagY#scfelX86AspFlrrNquFln1XGqkIGiN8gL9-83rSazt4 

Rihanne, feeling confident that she's big enough to win the tum contest, rushes to the judging area. However, she wasn't looking where she was going...what's gonna happen?!

Finally. No more excuses or overlong posts by yours truly—the Rihanne Deluxe is finished. Thank you so much for your patience, and I hope the wait was worth it! If you find any bugs, let me know. Considering how convoluted this project became, there might be a few, unfortunately. 

Note that Part 1 has been updated with a (quick) ending scene, to provide context for part 2, so please watch / play that before moving onto the 2nd part. Hopefully it'll make Part 1 feel more "complete".

Figuring out a new process with these animations was arduous, and in a lot of ways, very painful, but the results, while still being polished, point towards a future of less laggy animations. Usually, any expansion scene lags to death while I record the video, but this time around, there was no lag in sight. If it truly lets animations run even slightly better, than spending my hiatus month figuring out all the stuff I know now was worth it. I feel like I need to take a month off to recover from my month off...

I won't type any more stuff. I've talked enough already XD Thanks again for bearing with me, and enjoy! 



Very well done Dimp! Pretty unique way of doing hyper-preg too, especially with the scene and setting


i like the passwords ;)

Richard Handy

Cute! I would love to know what Janet thought of when a parade balloon was made! Although knowing her family, it might have happened without her knowledge.


The designer of said blimp was likely looking for inspiration, saw pregnant Janet in public and was promptly inspired. Everyone who sees the blimp would likely think "Damn, that looks a lot like Janet", but Janet would think "She looks familiar..."