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Yeah, I know, I know. Another day, another Dim Deadline (tm) missed. But it turns out that trying to make something you've never made before requires a lot of trial and error, and making Rihanne's animation is definitely a trial full of errors. *sigh*

But the end is in sight! I'll be finally (FINALLY) finishing up the "game" part of it (this is where 99% of all trials and errors were) tonight, and tomorrow will be bug checking and the final scene. As I suspected, a lot of lag reared its head during early testing, and it took a while to figure out how to bypass it but the game should run *mostly* smoothly. We'll see how it works on your devices when I publish it tomorrow. And to answer a question I received, there will still be video files for those who just want to watch. 

Again, sorry for promising a date and then missing it! Boy, no wonder I'm not popular with the ladies, always missing the dates...Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow! Thank you for your patience. ♥


Jared Wagner

Y u think we upset we all love your work if people can't have patience than the can be rude and rush perfection elsewhere


Don't be hard on yourself, you've been very consistent with the content! I hope people aren't giving you a hard time


Not a single soul has ever complained or said a bad thing to me in regards to missing a date (all of which I set myself), but that kindness in not hounding me for animations also means I feel obligated to apologise, even if I'm merely a few hours late, or a day. I'm not beating myself up about it! Just keeping folks in the loop, that's all, as I'm sure someone out there *was* waiting eagerly for today, so I don't want them to stay up past their bedtime waiting for an animation that won't be here today...




Dim u r the mannnn, no worries keep that sweet content coming 😉


hakuna matata bro