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tl;dr still working on Bess + Luna, but it's a lot of work. Will hopefully be finished for the 21st-22nd.

"Hey, it's the 16th," you're thinking. "Hasn't Dim usually finished at least one Patreon Deluxe by now?"

Yes, usually. But it turns out that doing two different expansion scenes, both of which have multiple options, and also a final ending scene that contains two characters having a simultaneous expansion scene, is a lot of work. Is it work I can do? Yes, absolutely. But can I do it quickly? No, unfortunately. I'm a hefty way through the project, but there's still a lot of work to be done, and I'm guessing that if all goes well, I'll be finished around the 21st-22nd. Bear in mind this is a Dim Pixel Estimate, which means it could be later than that...I hope not. 

To better illustrate what I'm trying to achieve and why I'm going so slowly, here's the pendant from Luna's expansion scene: 

Each of these buttons (gems) does something different. Some buttons are only activated once you get to a certain stage in the expansion(s). Some buttons allow you to avoid content you may not like, while others can tailor Luna's body more to your individual preferences. Some of these buttons are "chaotic". Also, each of these buttons has multiple lines of dialogue. And so on. 

It's lots of work, and lots of trial and error, mostly the latter. It's like wiring up a server room, every one of them has gotta work right, not just in isolation but in tandem with each other, and when something doesn't work, I need to figure out which one of a hundred wires is the problem...I hope it all works when I've finished...

Luna's scene is 95% done (I've moved onto Bess' scene because I don't want a meltdown ;__; ), and while Bess's scene won't be as complicated, it's still going to be plenty of work. I'm still not sure if the final scene will be a lag fest or not, either...I-I'll think about that later...

My point is: I'm very sure this will be a fun animation, with lots of various things to do and interact with (the video for this Deluxe alone will probably be about 20 minutes long, if not longer >_>), but it's taking time. And considering I have another Deluxe to go, I think I'll be lucky to finish all Bess + Luna's animations before the month is out. Which means I won't be starting on Cindy until the very end of the month, and Cindy's first animation will absolutely not be finished before September is over. I guess that might work out, because it's Halloween month when I can actually post her first animation? Ay yai yai...

So sorry to those who are waiting eagerly for more Bess + Luna and are wondering where the heck is the animation—I know it'll be good, but it's a lot of work, so please bear with me until I've finished. I'll keep you updated if anything changes / goes badly wrong! 



Take all the time you need

Richard Handy

It sounds like it'll be worth the wait.

Chris Wreker

Remember quality is always better.


Update: probably the 23rd! Sorry if you're waiting for the animation to drop! I hope it's worth the wait...

Jared Wagner

Thanks for the heads up and dont stress yourself out too much you make great content to worry about time