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I was asked to create "an officer who could be in the computer game The Division", and here's my take. I hope she's just on looting duty and not in the line of fire...



Chris Wreker

You played The Division?


I know it’s the first of the month but i’d there any chance there’s some Duesday content? it’s a shame the start of the hiatus falls on my favorite day of the week here lol.


I haven't got anything planned, but I'll see if I have anything I can clean up and post. Won't be more than a sketch, though!


Oh, she'd definitely be "in the line of fire", just not in the usual sense, as in the post-apocalypse, there are plenty of guys needing to blow off steam, and with a desperate need to re-populate 😉.

Chris Wreker

This would make a neat mini-game.