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tl;dr: When January starts, I would like to switch from working in a monthly schedule to a more relaxed schedule. This would allow me to put a little more quality into each animation, extra features and also try out other ideas. 

Currently, I make animations based around the length of the month, with each animation given a set amount of days for me to work on and finish them. Due to the nature of this schedule, I often cut or simplify elements of the animations so I can finish them "on time". For example, the backgrounds or side-characters are often simplified, so I can spend more time on the "good stuff" (tums / boobs / expansions etc). I've gotten pretty quick at making what I need to make within a strict timeframe (remember how short the animations were in January? Yeesh!), but still, some parts of the animations can suffer because of this strict timeframe.

With this in mind, I would like to ask your (you, the patrons) permission to try something different in January: a looser, less month-based schedule. Instead of allotting a strict amount of days to an animation and then finishing them within a month, I will simply work on an animation until it's done, even if that means I "miss" the end of month deadline and finish on the 3rd of the next month. A visual may help here: 

As you can see, the old format sticks to the month closely, and ends when the month does. The new format would ignore the end of the month, and animation production would continue on regardless if I'm in the middle of making something. The new schedule displayed here is not an exact representation of how the days would be spent, but just to give you the idea's gist, ie a rolling format. Also, don't worry about the few days off I have: I take time off if I'm tired, and also, I'm the kind of person who likes making things, so a "day off" doesn't mean that much to me lol. I can't believe I'm being paid to make things! :o

As the animated pin-ups are based on patron suggested characters and are a Patreon reward, I will make sure that there is a set of animations (Normal and Deluxe) per month based on patron offered waifus. Also, with a looser schedule, I can offer to make at least something for 2nd place and even 3rd place in the polls. But everything else—animated gif series, animations featuring my OCs, random bits of other art, etcetera—will be much less strict in when / how often they are made.

"Does this mean less animations?!" No. The new schedule would allow for more freedom, and I can select what content is coming next, based on how long the previous work was. Did I just spend ten days making a long animation? Then the next piece of art could be a quickie animation, to balance the time spent making the longer one. Perhaps I could stagger the animated gif series, and do one gif in between longer animations. And so on. I could do a month of quickie animations if people are bored of animations that take ages to make. So no, there will always be content. Plus, I love making things, so you couldn't stop me if you tried. :)

"So how will I know what you're making or when it'll be finished?" For the new schedule, I'll do more "Update" posts, letting you know what I'm working on, how many scenes I plan to make, how many scenes are finished and my estimated guess for when I will finish, plus a few quickie WIP images to prove I'm not just playing an MMO. I will keep you in the loop!

"What about polls?" I'll make polls based on what's coming up next. For example, I'll launch the animated pin-up poll when I'm about to begin on whatever I'm working on before the pin-up will be made. I'll always be sure to let you folks know a poll is about to come up, and if this poll requires / offers input from yourselves, you'll have plenty of time to have your say. 

"Did you say 'more animation series'?" Ah, I'm glad you brought it up! Older fans of mine may remember my series such as Denial, Babysitter and Accidental Surrogate. With the new schedule, I'd like to try doing series again, although this time much shorter than Accidental Surrogate (8 parts!). Patrons will absolutely have a say in these short series, but I will be curating the ideas a bit closer, so I can make sure they're fun and make (vague) narrative sense. Making one-part animations is great, but I definitely miss exploring an idea in greater detail over multiple parts (like pregnancy denial in Denial, or the baby transfer mechanic in Babysitter). With the new schedule, more series would be possible, and I'd love to get back into them. Of course, animation series would be an occasional thing, not a constant. If I do a series, I'll make sure to follow it up with a bunch of shorter, quicker to make animations. Balance is the key!

"I can't afford to pledge month after month. What if an animation I want gets finished the month after I have to delete my pledge?" Then let me know and I'll link you up! I'm not a monster lol. 

"What if the new schedule is a disaster?" Then I'll switch it back, while offering apologies and cursing myself for failing so badly. I don't think it would fail, but hey, I don't know until I try! But yes, I will revert back should it not work out as intended.

Hopefully, I've explained all the details I wanted to cover about this proposition (I wrote so much again...). But essentially, this is what I ask: I've been making animations for Patreon for about a year and a half now (yikes, time flies). I feel as though I've proven I can make animations within a strict deadline (even if that deadline is self-imposed). Now, I would like to try making animations to the best of my ability, and not worry so much about the timeframe. If you'll let me, I want to try and step it up. Let's see what I can make when I'm not looking at the clock and making decisions based on time!

Final note: I am not offended if you choose "Stick to old schedule" for whatever reasons you have. I am offering you the choice to choose, so please choose what you prefer. The fact I am able to avoid doing a real job and make sordid animations for a living means letting you folks have input on such a decision is the least I can do! And please leave a comment if you have questions or wish to state what you think about my proposition!



Oh, and you can always change your vote, so feel free to switch it around if you change your mind! Again, it's your choice, so pick freely!


If the new schedule makes it more comfortable for you, please go for it. I don't mind if the content doesn't get released at months end. Keep up the good work and stay healthy.


Definitely go for the new schedule. I want you to have as much freedom and time as possible.


New schedule sounds better for everyone in my opinion


#iamavoter O;) Now seriously: I fully agree with Vintage above, whatever suits you better should be followed for your artwork's sake.