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In order of most votes: 

Demonness Room (Winner!)
Ghost Room
Broodmother Room
Alien Slug Room
Unbirth Room
Witch Room

As to which animation (Normal or Deluxe) these rooms will go in, I'm thinking: 

Normal: Witch, Ghost, Demonness

Deluxe: Unbirth, Alien Slug, Broodmother

That's a lot of options to make! However, as I'll be reusing assets for some of these (witch, ghost, broodmother), that should reduce the time needed to make them, and also ensure the Deluxe is uploaded on the 31st (going over into November would be missing the point of a Halloween animation lol). 

The Deluxe for Mavis should be finished today (or chaos will ensue), so look out for that later on! 

Have a tease for now... See you later today!


Zen Jehnson


Joshua S

My body is ready.