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While planning the Deluxe for the Nicky animation, my obsession with the Ooi Masakasu characters Okusan and Ashitaba-san reared its head, and thus I drew this.  This sketch doesn't make much sense (Ashitaba is nowhere near as thin as this), but I don't want to be drawing this for any longer. I can make up for the lack of "thiccness" in future sketches. And I definitely plan to draw these two together again, bet your life on it. 

I really need to draw by hand more, so I'ma try to keep some sketches coming at least once a week (there, now I said it, I have to do it lol).  I threw a little colour in there to help make things a bit clearer. I need to practice colouring, too... 

I will pick some characters from the list of runner-ups from the animation polls, but I'll also be working my way through a list of characters I like. Should keep things interesting. :)




Looks really good! If I am correct your early works were comics too?


Some of them were, yeah. I thought it would be easier to draw some parts of the animation as comics, as to save some time, but it turns out drawing comics takes ages for me. From then on, I stuck to animations lol

Chris Wreker

And you read Ashibita-san too?