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And the winner of the original character poll was—

  • Pregnancy expansion (from flat tum to big) 91
  • Impregnation (via artificial / magical / accidental means) 36
  • Belly kicks / belly play 60
  • Hyper pregnancy expansion (from normal pregnancy to hyper) 159
  • Birthing scene (partially or totally obscured) 12
  • Birthing scene (detailed) 49
  • Lactation 36
  • Pregnancy symptoms (morning sickness, cravings, etc) 22
  • X-ray 18
  • 2020-03-10
  • —2020-03-20
  • 483 votes
{'title': 'And the winner of the original character poll was—', 'choices': [{'text': 'Pregnancy expansion (from flat tum to big)', 'votes': 91}, {'text': 'Impregnation (via artificial / magical / accidental means)', 'votes': 36}, {'text': 'Belly kicks / belly play', 'votes': 60}, {'text': 'Hyper pregnancy expansion (from normal pregnancy to hyper)', 'votes': 159}, {'text': 'Birthing scene (partially or totally obscured)', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'Birthing scene (detailed)', 'votes': 49}, {'text': 'Lactation', 'votes': 36}, {'text': 'Pregnancy symptoms (morning sickness, cravings, etc)', 'votes': 22}, {'text': 'X-ray ', 'votes': 18}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 3, 20, 11, 18, 19, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 3, 10, 11, 20, 57, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 483}


Annie May! (This is fanart by the amazing NasuOkaa-san! Go follow them here >>>  https://www.deviantart.com/nasuokaa-san )

As Rihanne came fairly close, I'll do a quickie still pin-up of her (and potentially an animated one if I have time!). 

So for this vote, we're gonna go in a different direction—in the discussion post for Annie, everyone unanimously loved one story idea, so I've decided we're just gonna do that story, and vote on the contents instead! The story idea is: 


Personal Surrogate: Janet Peter-Smyth is busy, but wants babies, and thus Annie offers to be her surrogate. Cue scenes of Annie pregnant and trying to help her boss, but ending up being helped and pampered by her boss. (And the idea for the Deluxe is a birthing class, where Janet acts as the "father" and she helps Annie through all the coaching and ends with them spooning peacefully). 


But what content would you like to see during this episode? Vote away for as many options as you want.  Depending on how long each option takes to make, I'll make the top 3-5 options. Be tactical in your voting—if an option you like is way in the lead, try to help another option you're interested in come 2nd, or third! And still let me know where you want your extra votes to go if you're on a tier that has them.

Certain options aren't here, as I don't think they make sense considering the story, but I've put in as many as I think are relevant. If there's anything I've missed, leave a message in the comments and then make sure to like that comment to count as a vote. If it gets enough likes, I'll bear that in mind while making the animation.



Whatever that makes her bigger x2


I will make a consideration. Usually we all love Hyper Pregnancies, but for Annie I think a normal one is the right one, she is small so she'll be huge anyway ^^ for my votes, I wanted to give one to lactation (finally) but for now I will give my double vote to belly kicks/belly play. If there is something that Annie LOVES is feeling the babies moving <3

Robinhood Loki

I hope add some of the votes including the birth I really want to see that


All on hyper


My choice would be same as for Harley Quinn's poll: all my votes on Belly kicks/belly play, please!


So, it seems like belly play/kicks is pretty safe, so I'll move all my votes on lactation ^^


I would like to see an unbirth situation with her and Janet.


mfw tentacles aren't an option