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Link to file >>>  https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/lucoaqupinup 

Password >>> sh8u3TA9d

Link to file with password embedded >>>  https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/lucoaqupinup?password=sh8u3TA9d 

Video upload (YouTube) >>> https://youtu.be/HURwlrptNtU

Video upload (Mega, better quality) >>> https://mega.nz/#!9FBAhKyJ!V-e-09ZBl3BOwoccB1uRz-kOHLPq-e5QW1DQCz67kf0

As the latest animated pin-up poll was incredibly close, I thought the winner could have a consolation pin-up. And here, made in a day (damn, I'm getting faster...) is something for those Lucoa fans. Of course, I'm sure everyone else will like it too. ♥ In the future, if 2nd place is very close behind 1st, I'll do a similar quickie for those, too. 

Now to begin work on Samus, that fearless space bounty hunter. I wonder what will happen to her? :3

