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Usual shenanigans—vote on who you wish to see animated! If you have extra votes, make sure to let me know where you want them to go either in the comments or in a private message.

As I said last month, this time, I'll focus on making a few animated loops of the character, rather than a game / story. Games are fun, but take a long time to get working, and I'd rather spend the time on tums, so consider this an experiment. 

So go for it—vote vote vote! 

Here's some photos of the characters you can vote on, should their names not be too familiar to you: 

Squirrel Girl (Marvel)

Y'Shtola (Final Fantasy XIV)

Melony (Pokemon Sword & Shield)

Big Mom (One Piece) (Younger version)

Lucoa (Dragon Maid)

Widowmaker (Overwatch) 

Sadayo Kawakami (Persona 5)



Oh no, I did it again. Someone suggested Melony and after recently becoming aware of this character, I HAVE to vote for thicc ice gym leader.

Tyler Hayman

My votes for Sadayo


All my votes on Lucoa pt. 2, please! :3


All votes on Melony


All on Melony

Lou the Battery

Big Mom is a rare one, but she's so pregnancy focused as a character.


Achis achis los mariachis I didnt know Big mom was a pokemon 0.0


Lucoa is now one vote behind! If she ends up finishing this closely behind, I'll try to do a quick pin-up of her, too.