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Hey guys! Guess which Patreon creator forgot to post the discussion thread earlier in the month? That's right! It's me! >_> Oh well...

Anyway, here is your place to offer up ideas as to what happens next in our ongoing series. Once a few ideas are in, I'll post a poll and everyone can choose a theme for me to write the next episode with. Let's get creative! 

I've been giving some thought to the progress of this story, and I've decided that this series will end before 2019 is out. This story is fun, but there's plenty of other stories we can explore with Janet or my other characters (some of which I think you'll find very interesting!) so let's offer ideas heading towards an ending from now on. 

But what is that ending? Does Janet give birth? Does Janet stay permapreg? The series doesn't have to end on a birth, but personally I think it would be a shame if it didn't. That's up to you, though. :) 

Anyway, enough talking. Here is the question you have to answer—Annie found Janet in an elevator, hunched over and in discomfort. What is happening to Janet?



Business carries on a usual


Yeah so definitely not permapreg. That's super lame haha.


Her medicine bottle dropped on the floor before she was able to take it to stop the growth but it was too late the futher she tried to bend over and reach her belly expanded to touch the floor and she got futher from her medicine whill bending over her pants split exposing her sexy lingerie but the pressure of her belly proved too much and she by accident let one rip and not knowing Anne was there. We see Anne being the perve she is and says she un worthy of such a sight and gift. Some how it smells of lavender and roses. XD idk im working with what i got


Alright, so, what's happening to Janet? The medication the Twins gave her has yielded an unforseen side-effect: ravenous hunger. Combined with the long day of going back to work after being out for so long, combined with this side-effect, she feels like her stomach is eating itself. So, she *must* get some food in her belly ASAP. Annie helps her up, and they decide to take a ride to some restaurant, where Janet just absolutely pigs out. We're talking Olive Garden bottomless soup and unlimited breadsticks-type of feast. Now, canonically we know what happens when Janet eats too much at once. So... :D


I think we should do one more animation before the birth. Like what happens in this animation will lead to the birth in the final animation. Seven episodes is more than enough, lol.


Let's go where no DPA has gone before, Annie tries to deliver babies in the elevator but gets unbirthed by Janet's stretchy pelvis. The babies are super intelligent and strong for their age.


Her medicine bottle dropped on the ground, but that's not the real problem. The twins gave the medicine to Janet, but she should have take ONE pill for day, but because of her incredible immune system the medicine's effect continued to disapper. Now that she gulped so many pills new secondary effects start to afflict her, making her hornier and hornier and making her pelvis and belly skin more elastic. Janet will ask Annie to pull down her panties because are bothering her too much, then while Annie is kneeled and in pure bliss, Janet will somehow falling back, unbirthing half Annie. Then because of contractions and excitement, Janet will unbirth completely Annie. Only when she will finish it Janet will understand that she has to come back to the twins and finally induce the babies....and Annie.


David I like it. But I still want to see her eat more. Surely all of this work is making her famished


Love this idea much better than mine david100, I only hope there's both a skinny and fat version...


Originally I was for more episodes (10, 12, even two dozens!), but in case you would like to end the series before 2019's end, I think 6th episode should be "Before Birth" and 7th one should be "Birth (and maybe Aftermath)". So, IMHO it could be something like this: Janet's medicine doesn't work, so she finally agrees to be treated by Brian/Bryan twins again. They recommend to her only solution they have: labor induction. Janet agrees but under major condition: she must try to do this on her own and non-medically at first (because after all of this she doesn't trust them too much...). Cut to several attempts of stubborn Janet and desperate Annie trying to initiate Janet's labor: spicy food, cleaning, long walks, fun between the sheets, swimming and other sport activities... All of it ongoing catastrophically, because not only they just achieve to make Janet even bigger but one of attempts ended with to-be-unbirthed Annie inside Janet's womb. So at the end enormous Janet visits Bri/Bry twins and FINALLY agrees to be induced medically: boom, done! Water broke after 1st try, so this episode could be closed by cliffhanger. Again: take this more as rough copy and suggestion than anything alse... Also I really like david100's unbirth idea so I think it should be included. PS: once again my apologies about this War-and-Peace size monstrosity, I was thinking and typing and typing and thinking... and this is final product O:)


Yeah so uh, this please. You sold me on the "making Janet bigger" part. Thiccer belly *of course*, but thiccer thighs too? Muy bien.


Your idea is really cool! My idea in the end was too monotonous. Spicy food, fun between the sheets (with the twins?? Annie? The fetal movements instructor?) and a swimming in the pool (that ends wit Annie being unbirthed) may be great options! And like this we could have three scenes just like the last episode.


It's looking more and more like Annie's gonna take a trip into the wet cave of wonders😁👌


That's my favorite Disneyland ride haha


Really like your unbirth idea too, it should be combined with david100s, the drugs making Janet insatiable horny is just too sweet of a spectacle to pass up. After all other options fail, Janet feels like she could xxxx the Eiffel Tower(figuratively), and while Annie attempts one more time to deliver the babies Janet gets weak in the knees falling back on Annie taking her in all the while having an intense orgasm...😏👌