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A quick demo, with a particular purpose. I want to see if it's worth continuing with the main feature of this episode—a half-baked game! 

As I began to make the new episode, I realised there was the possibility of including a little game, and I will continue it into other segments of this episode should you like it / enjoy it. If I hear nothing negative, this episode will feature this mechanic for the other costumes that will appear. Tantalising, no? :3




Oh dear lord, I love this mini-gaaaame! Yes yes yes! A thousand yeses. Let me aid Janet in this war against the Colemans! Bwahahahaha! (Separate note, humble request: plz make Janet's boobs bigger. :)


Good stuff! I enjoyed the lil game as well. Seems like it could be perfect for sneaking an easter egg in.


I enjoyed the game you should add it to the next part good job.


But everyone would lose on purpose lol


Bake it all the way and let's get these buns out of the oven!


I think you may be overestimating my abilities as an animator a bit much, Xander! Nice idea, though! Also, this is a demo, so it's not exactly the whole story yet.


Gotta say, that was really clever. I liked the little game a lot


I think deep down everyone wants to see Janet end up pregnant with four rambunctious teenagers before she finally pops(give birth) with super elastic hips. Why else would we want to send her back to work overdue?


I'm a big fan of the game element. Also, the medication concept is awesome. That's kind of right up my line of work, so...big points for you there. I'm more interested in the rationale for how the medication is removed? Does she stop taking it? Is that what the clicks are implying? Furthermore, what is the yellow? Easter egg? To me the first thing I thought of was cholesterol. lol As a thought/aside - there is so much growth that occurs as the medication wears off, and the belly becomes visible, what if a kick or two is visible? Given how active they are afterwards?


I had a feeling you'd like the minigame. :) I'll explain it a tiny bit in the animation, but we, the player, remove the amount of medication in her blood every time we pop one of those blue molecules, which gradually returns her belly to its huge size. Of course, if it was real, we'd have to destroy thousands of them, but that might get a bit tiresome to do. :D Also, the yellow one is meant to be Annie, but it doesn't quite evoke "Annie", so I'll modify that a bit before release. And I can try to incorporate a kick at the end. More kicks can never hurt. :D

Zen Jehnson

so....I totally voted for bess to come in and help, but this is pretty amazing. especially with the belly growth being an interactive game, it just helps build the excitement and anticipation :D can't wait to see the full version. also, the stash file doesn't seem to be able to download for me :(

john erzatz

Neat concept. Can't wait to see it in the final release, and here's hoping maybe this becomes a continuing trend in your future works!

Joshua S

Holy shit. That was absolutely amazing. :D


Anyone impressed by Janet's composure? I mean she is months overdue with four 1year olds and not even batting an eye. You'd figure she'd moan, groan, huff or puff...


Are episode 4 deluxe versions 1&2 going up on YouTube ever?


Ha I must have an issue with my YouTube app because the belly pals was the only one that showed up last time, thanks DM.