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With 50% of the vote, it's clear that "Janet refuses the twins' help and returns to work" is going to win. And that's without factoring in all the bonus votes! Unless I somehow double my patron count and everyone votes for something else, let's just say it has won. ^^

This means that Janet will be returning to work, despite her current state. So, I wonder—what should Janet wear on her return to work? I reckon I'll be able to make three costumes (i.e., three scenes), so once we've gotten a few suggestions for suitable office wear, we'll do a little vote and the top three will be made into the animation (as best as I can, that is!). If you suggest anything risque, that'll probably be Patreon Deluxe content. Not that you guys will mind that. XD As the main focus is on her belly tearing the clothes due to growth, pick something that would tear quite nicely. :3

Go on, then—suggest a few outfits / costumes! And if you want to provide an url to an image of this outfit, even better. And, for a change, why not let the Demo Pixel join in for once. :D 

Also, hello to all new pledgers! I hope you enjoy what you find here! _o_



Birthday suits are the new business professional, DimP.


"Teacher" outfits are the way to go, she remains professional while most of her body remains exposed.


Also, you know those "Rental Mommy" shirts that a lot of artists have been drawing their OCs wearing? Hey, it's an option.


Its just so happens Janet returns on wear your pajamas to work day but being an older classy lady she tends to wear lingerie, silk pajamas, or even sleep natural in her Egyptian cotton sheets. With Janet being the good boss she is and likes to set examples she participates in anything that raises productivity


How about office wears? Jacket, blouse and skirt, so when she expands, first it goes tighter and we see her belly between buttons, then they just pop, one by one

Not Here





Here’s a suggestion, what if Janet, after going through numerous wardrobe malfunctions, just leaves her stomach bare and wears a pregnancy belly band (to help with the weight/contain her large belly) along with a crop top and skirt( such as this: https://cdn.tobi.com/product_images/md/4/black-sweet-business-crop-top.jpg). It initially works at first to hold back the growth spurts, but the tight pressure of the band against her belly causes the children to fight against it (kicking, pushing) until the band eventually explodes open and her belly rapidly grows outwards. This could work as the last outfit and act as a big “bang” to end the episode ;)


Yes, she attempts to go back to work looking as formal as possible buts ends up looking as informal as possible as she struggles to hide it from everyone but to no avail, love it.


How about a professional looking suit/skirt combo. Lots of things can be done with the jacket and dress shirt in terms of button popping potential, ripping, and stuff.


https://di2ponv0v5otw.cloudfront.net/posts/2018/07/31/5b60753c035cf1da8af07e44/m_5b6075a2c2e88e873f963991.jpg It's like she's taunting you to do it...


Like this I guess: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/60/0c/a5/600ca585da62d05b7b0b24951ab3b506.jpg

Joshua S

Two outfits that have always been favorites of mine are overalls because I mean.. come on.. adorable factor off the scale plus she could balloon right on out, and something suit based with a button down blouse would be stellar.


Hmmm, two interesting outfit ideas I feel like would be a bunny suit and a pair of maternity overalls. One is much better than the other, but gosh darn it I wanna see Janet in one of those bunny-girl suits.


Oh oh oh this one: https://miss36.in/white-lapel-collar-trench-coat-style-dress-elegant-formal-wear-with-open-mega-sleeves-with-belt.html


I'd say I can understand what most suggestions are asking for, so I can find some pics fairly easily. And if I get it wrong, I can always update the post with the corrected outfit. it should all work out fine! :D