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Itchio link to see the animation (stash link included on Itchio page) >>  https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/accdemo3 

Password >> demodemodemodemodemoHOOYAH352

This is about two fifths of the overall content of this episode. The scene the demo ends on will be an option screen, where you get to do a few things, and then the episode will go into its ending sequence, where the next question you folks get to answer comes up. It should be fun. :)

Lemme know what you think! Now to set a poll and ask you folks a question. :)




Nice Xray sequence! It ends on her holding her belly in a whit shirt. Is that the right place?


Yep, that's it. :) The last part of the animation will be Janet finding ways to pass the time in her bed. I wonder what she'll do? :3


All that is only 2/5 of everything? We're hopelessly spoiled and I love it.


I always feel as though there's not enough, but I appear to be the only person who thinks this way. Fine by me! Sort of...


Don't get me wrong, holmes. More is better! I just think it's a nice touch how you didn't just pick the winner of the suggestion poll, but instead will subject Janet to EVERYTHING in the Patreon Deluxe. Absolute mad lad.


Hehe, well because all of these options are based around the same thing—the contents of Janet's belly, and varying states of baby size / quantity—incorporating all of those options is possible. I'm not sure if I'll be able to do future Patreon Deluxes in the same way, but if I can, why not? :)


"I hope this pregnancy doesn't end too soon..." Same with us, Janet, same with us :)


Hell, I want her to get more babies/pregnant just because I like seeing the Briyans squirm. More gravid Janet is just a slowly growing bonus at this point! LOL