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As promised, here is a limited functionality demo for my next animation, Designated Babysitter! (That title will ABSOLUTELY change, as it's kinda lame). Let me know if it doesn't work! This also features a costume change that won't be in the final file. Oh, and please don't share this file around—this is for you peeps only! :D


What's the story for this one? The main character, Bess, has the ability to transfer babies still in the womb from another woman to her own womb. Bess also has another ability, or should I say inability to say "no". So, even though she really doesn't want to carry anyone else's babies any more, she just can't make herself decline, and ends up being pregnant for half the neighbourhood. Often all at the same time. ;) 

In the demo, you get the first two growths. Unless I change my mind, the final file will feature five. Bess is going to get REAL big in this one! Each growth will be separated by the neighbours knocking on Bess's door and begging / forcing / tricking her to look after their kin. By the end of the animation, Bess might not be walking too well. 

As it's a demo, this is fairly rough, and will not represent other tweaks / fixes I apply as I work on it. Bugs encountered in this demo shouldn't appear in the final thing. Let me know what you think!



It runs really smooth im using my cellphone, the animation really cool its a neat idea having a rapid expansion. I think im definitely going to like Bess when she us revealed XD


Glad to hear it! If you like a big tum, this is definitely the one for you. Still not sure if I'll show Bess's face though. Might keep it POV throughout. Will see how I feel as I'm making it!


O i didnt mean in animation wise for her reveal XD since you like to do concept art for your animation usually. Big tums you say, lets have Rihanna come over so Bess can babysit XD jk jk