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Happy New Year! + thank you

I wish you all a happy new year and a good start into 2024. Stay healthy, stay safe and enjoy life to the best of your ability.

Thank you so much for your continuous and steady support throughout 2023. It means the world to me and my wife. I can stay at home, draw the things I love and be there for my wife whenever she needs someone at her side. You all changed my life and continue to change it. Some of you are here since the beginning some just joined. No matter how long you've been here, thanks for everything. I hope I continue to deliver content that's worth supporting in 2024 and dabble in some new stuff here and there and get to experiment more xD

Have a wonderful New Years Eve! ❤

Weeklong vacation starting tomorrow

Like I already said in the last update post I'll be taking a break for a week starting tomorrow. Spending a lot of time with my wife, celebrating our 1 year/9 year anniversary and recharging my batteries. :)

That means no posts and work on TACS 2. In case you don't want to support me in a month where I post less, please make sure to cancel your pledge in time ^^ Suggestion threads will get posted tomorrow and I'll be back to on the 8th to post the polls ^^

We hit the 1200€ per month goal btw.. but goals don't exist anymore (on Patreon at least) xD

First and foremost: In case you are wondering if I am mistaken. No, the milestone was shared between my Patreon and SubStar so together they managed to surpass that milestone.

And what a milestone it is! It covers all of my basic needs, food and whatnot (barely nowadays with inflation n' stuff), doesn't allow for any kind of luxury but that was never the type of person I was xD Newer members on Patreon might not remember the goal system of Patreon. They got rid of it on the way but I still held fast to what I promised when we reached the 1.2k milestone.

A 24 hour stream!

I only got one issue: You see me complain about my net here and there in posts. The net is BAD on the countryside, net dies down here and there, the bitrate is attrocious at times and I can for sure say that I can't guarantee a 24 hour stream with the abyssmal state my net is in at the moment. BUT I also mentioned that a company is bringing glassfiber connection to villages like mine. The issue is that they got time till 2025 to do so, so it can either happen this year in summer or in the worst case the summer after that.

If you all don't want to wait that long for said stream I'd just suggest the day my first post came online on Patreon for this milestone stream:

June 17th 2017, 6 1/2 years ago, therefore June 17th 2024

If you do wanna wait till glassfiber arrives, I would probably stream that stream as soon as everything is in place xD

That's it for this years last post, thank you all for listening ^^



A wonderful anniversary vacation to you and your wife ! Thanks for all the amazing work you have done this year. I'm glad to be able to support you ^^


Have a great vacation, Schinkn. It's been a long ride, and I can't see what's in store for the future. I'm glad you are taking time off from doing so many projects.