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The transformations depicted are happening in full consent. Every sort of resistence is mere roleplay I depict as a fetish.

Ongoing stuff:

HQ Downloads of September 2022 [Incomplete❌]

TACS 2 - Chapter 5 - COMIC POLL: After a dozen of changes in the girls locker room and the encounter with Chester, Timmi is on her way to her next lesson. What happens next?

Project Overview

Hey there!

First time in ages that I lacked motivation to sketch Patron sketches. Might be that the time is ripe for a break soon. Meaning I'll take a break from the monthly Fanart, Sequence and Sketches for one month. Not sure if I'll go for it in November or December. I'll communicate it clearly so you can decide if you want to support me in that month or take a break for a month/want a refund etc.

I've been pushing through the monthly stuff for almost two years straight now with one exception in May. Me taking a break from all of it might finally get rid of the backlog issue for good, while I also finally got the chance to work on TACS 2 without any interruptions + get to work on some other stuff on the side.

Based on how it goes I might stop doing the monthly sequence or fanart in the future, based on my financial stability and all that, because the more time I have to focus on my personal projects the better in the long run.

For now taking a break is the best cause of action and we'll see how it goes. I'll let you know if it will be November or December where I won't make the usual monthly  fanart/sequence/sketches.

Back to the sketches!

As I mentioned my motivation was lacking greatly today, because of that I finished two Patron sketches with 7 more to go. Gonna focus on them on Monday and hope to get them all done. I feel more like testing out my new drawing program by drawing more Amber ass like I did yesterday night xD That's the disadvantage when you got monthly content you owe your Patrons. Because of the urge to do something different it's hard for me to keep my focus and I end up doing nothing of both in the process. Gonna stay focused, push through and get a break in.

Sorry for the lack of a bigger post today,

gonna focus on finishing the backlog, after that it's back to TACS 2 and some side projects till I focus on monthly content again.

Hope you like 'em,

have a nice remaining weekend, 





Yeah TAC2 is great ! Keep going