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The transformations depicted are happening in full consent. Every sort of resistence is mere roleplay I depict as a fetish.

Ongoing stuff:

❗Monthly Sequence Poll (Voting Poll) [Deadline: March 13th, 7pm CET]

❗Monthly Fanart Poll (Voting Poll) [Deadline: March 13th, 7pm CET]

February 2022 Downloads (Incomplete)

TACS 2 - Chapter 5 - Suggestion Thread: After  a dozen of changes in the girls locker room and the encounter with  Chester, Timmi is on her way to her next lesson. What happens next?

Project Overview

Hey there!

It's really late again, wanted to upload sooner but my PC wasn't able to establish an internet connection around my usual upload times ^^;

Used all the time I had, after finishing the last protocol, to finish my preparations for the cleanup stream ^^ I hope for the best but it could be that I need to use a little bit of Tuesday as well to fully get them done because it takes me an average of 30-40 minutes to finish a sketch ^^

Hope you like the rough sketches for the remaining suggestions, I will be back working on them on Monday ^^

Have a nice remaining weekend everyone and stay safe whereever you are!


Big thanks to John for pledging for the WIP Tier, Stepan for pledging for the Generous WIP Tier and Thomas and Trey for pledging for the Poll Tier! All of your support is very much appreciated, welcome back to some of you! I hope you (continue to) enjoy your stay and the content that I post on here :)



Cole jones

Hopfully you'll be able to finish these monday and from tuesday on you can do the main projects again.


do you skip sundays