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First of all...

hey Devin Crosby, thanks for being my first patreon and also for pledging 5$ to support me! I really appreciate your support! :)

Now back to this post:

Had some time to scribble again this week! This time some random sketches of a woman smoking and drinking coffee,

a psycho stalker,

a future bounty hunter and

a Mario who is done with his life. I will print this on a white t-shirt of mine, I just love this motif XD

So I hope you like these random sketches too,

have a nice day and see ya,

Aron :)




Welcome, happy to help a artist, also do you do commissions?


Thank you! First of all let me inform you, that you can suggest a fanart every month, because you are in the "poll tier". Because you are my first and only patreon right now it will get drawn to 100% at the moment. This can change when someone also pledges 5 $ at the first week of July, than your chance gets down to 50% etc. But at the moment you have a good chance to get your fanart drawn ^^ When it's something besides a fanart and more then a one-piece picture, I would recommend to commission me :) I made a commission guide on deviantart for this: schinkn.deviantart.com/journal/MY-COMMISSION-GUIDE-596660231 Hope that I could help you and thank you again for supporting what I love :) Kind regards Aron