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  So I have found out that gumroad now offers a membership service! It is a bit more bare bones than patreon -- I don't think there is a way to comment or do polls, I will find this out as I work with it. But I will try to hook something up over this week! 

  One difference is, I am going to change to a model in which memberships have access to the last 6 months instead of the entire catalog. If you don't join within 6 months you will have to buy the previous months in the store (each month will be 5 bucks I am currently thinking). I am mainly doing this as the back catalog has gotten way too big.

 I still want to operate the patreon, it will have 'happy and light hearted' versions of the pictures to appease patreon's rules, I will offer these alts on the gumroad too, but the gumroad will also have the style you're all familiar with. I haven't actually started this yet (I did start a gumroad store, but not the membership part), but does this sound appealing? The patreon will still be running. I recommend if you're a super fan to at least stick around with the patreon another month even if planning to move to gumroad, simply because I don't think I have a way to communicate as easy with you all on the gumroad. I am not sure on this, but I really haven't noticed any comments or replies in the stores I have seen.

 As for interacting, does anyone have ideas? A few people have asked for a discord in the past... I dunno if I am super fond of that idea, mainly cause every none friend group based discord I have been a part of turns into fights over things that have nothing to do with the discord. It requires mods, and sometimes the mods turn into the problem... it's not good. I do have a deviantart account we could use for discussions? Also, if anyone needs to email me my email is...

spankingtoons@hotmail.com -- yes, hotmail -- I am old and have used hotmail since jr. high in the 90's :P



Honestly, I think the Discord would be a real good idea! Lots of people use it and It will appeal to people in their 20's since they all use it. You'll get new fans :) Make the mods people you trust.


I second that. But if you need this to make money then that's okay too.


If you get Discord, I'll for sure join!


I do like the idea of a membership at gumroad. I love your art! I’m mainly into the humiliation aspect so I would prefer to have that sort of art consistently. Not having the polls is unfortunate but I wonder if you could have gumroad polls on patron in like a dollar membership and the art would appear on gumroad.