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  Wowsers -- for all my fellow PNW peepz, what a few days it has been! for those not savvy on the news, we just went through a roasting heat bubble... and yes, I understand other cities are no strangers to 110 degree weather, but for the Pacific Northwest most places don't have AC. I am fortunate I bought a portable AC a few years ago, but my neighbors' AC unit busted during the wave! Our apartment building opened the one air conditioned room for folks whos didn't have AC to sleep in so luckily he had that option.

 Anyways, even with my portable AC my apartment is about 90 during the peak hours and 80 during the cooler times, so I have been a sweating mess! it gave me an idea for a pinup though! I don't think Mrs. Sun approves of Eartha's new haircut! Hopefully Eartha learns to style it a lil cleaner

Try to stay cool everyone! It's only July, still a couple months to do :/




Lmao, this is a great pic. I'm in the PNW too and Monday was rough. I have a little portable AC that was able to keep my bedroom cool, so I was okay. Luckily it looks like the worst is over!


glad you made it through! i am hoping that is the worst, but having grown up in WA I know August is normally the hottest month :(