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Page 2 of Domme Battle! Since I was thrown off schedule I'm going to get another colored pinup done before the end of the weekend :)




Got a question. What determines who wins here? Since the competition involves who is the better, more refined Top, is it to see who pushes their bottom into subspace or whoever pops their safe word? Seems like the former makes sense if both are honest.


Loser leaves town? Is this a stipulation from 1980’s wrestling? Loser remains the submissive to the new domme and is retrained to be such. She’s then given away as a present to please her forever domme.


sorry, I have to make the setup so quick in order to get to the action, essentially who 'breaks' to the other


haha, my kinky scenarios indeed have silly premises :) it's one way to get the action rolling without getting too dark :P


Honestly I know one of them is going to end up being a baby, but I do hope after this they both come to realize and respect each other's skills and come up with a whole new business idea were one plays the baby for clients or into that.