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  Thank you to all of my patrons, and Ying has painted an extra big thank you to the 20 plus dollar patrons! I was worried if I'd have enough room for all the names on Claire's bottom -- but until we get a hundred people on the 20 and above tiers we have all the space needed ;)

SO SUGGESTIONS FOR THIS MONTH! This month's theme is unique punishments! Meaning punishments that have not been in spankingtoons previous pinup art! Think of embarrassing scenarios you'd like to see! 




After attempting to put on a cute dress, Tommy gets punished by having to model cute little “boy” outfits instead including a dinosaur onesie (which is the image) with a dropseat tail showing off her new dino diapers. The dress could be seen discarded in the background.


Hmmmm... Miku having to wear a chastity belt to stop her playing with Mr Bear every night?


Gracie tries to fake being sick to get out of attending classes. When the on campus nurse does her inspection she sees that Gracie was indeed faking and is promptly spanked soundly. After the spanking Gracie starts getting dressed to go to her classes; when she is about to put on her skirt and panties she is stopped by the nurse who informs her of an old remedy to ward off colds. She takes a fresh spring onion out of her bag and quickly pops it up Gracie's butt and is then made to go to classes as is with the added humiliation of having a note pinned to her back saying something like "An onion and a spanking a day to keep illness at bay for one month." The image would be of Gracie (shot from the back, of course) walking down the halls of the school while trying to at least use her books to cover her always exposed lower front >w<


Baby Glitterz goes on a world tour with Glamorous Madam. She of course throws a tantrum that she’s not the headliner so to punish her, and appease her, Madam sets up Glitterz as the “DJ” which is really just her strapped into a rig with various ABDL and spanking implements lined up and synced with Auto tune when needed all controlled by Glamorous Madam via remote so when she needs a particularly high note she’ll press a button and Glitterz will get an impromptu temperature check. If she needs sounds that are frothy she presses a button and Glitterz gets a bar of soap in her mouth.


After a financially tough year, Cindy is holding an investor meeting and needs Bridgette to be on her best behavior during it. Slipping muscle relaxers into her milk, Bridgette is unable to talk or perform even the most basic movements. The picture can be Bridgette wiggling helplessly and raging impotently in her playpen while Cindy and her investors look down and snicker at her.


Lara once again raises her mother in law’s ire by dressing sexy, this time for a romantic candlelight dinner. In a way, she gets what she wants. After a very thorough spanking, Lara is tied face down to a bed frame with a lit candle held between her crimson cheeks and praying that her husband gets home soon.


Love it! Two things, it can just be a investor meeting (princess chubby cheeks thrives in the spankingtoons universe ;) ) and two, i think this is an excellent Ying prank to pull on Bridgette :)


Miku and Victoria have been busted too much at Auntie's Daycare for playing with themselves. In order to show the babies that they shouldn't do something in their cribs in private if they aren't ready to have it public, they're each made to ride dildos in front of everyone in Daycare. The first one to stop playing will be paddled, while the other gets to go back to her diapers and *only another notch in her reputation. Who will last longer, and who will succumb to Mr. Paddle?!


Claire curses out Rotha one too many times, and is punished with a mouthsoaping...augmented with an extra large soap stick up her behind (I'm picturing her starting to get desperate from the soap working on her bowels and being informed that it will NOT be removed anytime soon.)


Perhaps one of the girls ( or more) should be trapped in a paintball gun range and have their exposed bottoms shot at! Hmmm or maybe a girl could have her ass sticking out through a cardboard cutout advertisement in front of a convenience store for people to walk up to spank and pinch at! haha Also maybe one of those prised bottoms could somehow end up on a gigantic stadium TV for the entire world to see lol Just some silly suggestions :) Very humiliating to say the least


I thought about this one while I was gardening today! Maybe one of the girls is chilling on a beach and then a seagull swoops down and flies right up her cheeky derriere! haha and people come around and start filming the bird up her tushy!