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Page 1 of the domme battle! these updates will be sparse, probably just 1 page a month, maybe 2! So this comic will unfold over the course of several months 




I imagine Donna has a russian accent and the other sounds like one of those mousey girls. I dunno why.


I like the art as always but judging by the language I feel like it’s a missed opportunity to have the more curvy Domme be the one in the embarrassing predicament unless there’s a M. Night Shymalan twist coming.


I like where this could be headed....don’t like that it’ll take several months to see where it’s headed.


I agree with Dave, I too was hoping for a reversal of the typical typecasting, I'm sure it will be great none the less


So i have to note, you guys are acting like all spankingtoons spankees are skinny, this is not true. Claire and Rotha already portray the swap in shape, and Roxxie and butterball are also plump... i was kinda noting in my head the other day that most the spankees have become on one side of the spectrum or other, super skinny or chubby, and we more rarely get the in-between anymore. I only note this cause i keep getting requests to make all the spankees chubby. I personally like the in- between most and want to add more characters with that, while still keeping roxxie, claire, butterball, Sondra, and Hannah around


I really like the way this is going. Will be really interesting.I also think due to how the characters are drawn/act,the roles are set perfectly.