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I wanna do a none ABDL theme for this poll! For all the ABDL people, don't worry, it isn't going anywhere, it's just taking a break for this poll :) For this month, the suggestion poll theme is SPANKING! All suggestions have to be centered around spanking or they won't be chosen! I liked the six options last time, so I will keep that number, top 5 thumbs upped pieces and my personal favorite that's not in the mix :) REMEMBER, thumbs up your favorite before the 15th!

Rules are the same as always -

~All characters must be over 21 years old.
~Only one suggestion per person (if you have more then one, pick your favorite, DO NOT POST MORE THEN ONE IDEA)
~I only do F/F
~It is going to be a single, colored image. No comics.
~No messing/mess images still, there may be an alt of messing but the focus of the picture has to be something else still.
~Cute sensual themes are okay, but graphic sexual scenes are not. Do not write a detailed sexual scene in the comments, it WILL be deleted. 
~I reserve rights to refuse an suggestion, but will work with suggester to find something we are both okay with!




Roxxie as a clown girl being spanked by her mother who is the ring master, with her in nothing but a clown Tutu, white make up, red nose, pig tails.


having just watched the 2017 it... i kinda don't wanna draw any clowns for a while :S we can make it so she is in a frilly colorful dress as a performer though :)


Ok no make up, can you at least do the Tutu?


A popular girl is spanked in front of the school cafeteria, by a nerdy girl who had enough, and then she diapers and humiliates her


I guess now is as good as time as any to represent my Bridgette suggestion, but with a new premise. Bridgette's mother notices that the face of Princess Chubbycheeks has been getting chubby in the wrong places as of late and decides to put her on an exercise program by having her do some jogging. With the weather still being quite hot, Bridgette decides to skip exercise escaping home and going skinny dipping at a far away pond. Of course she is caught and spanked on the spot by her mother when found, but instead of driving her home she instead dresses Bridgette in only stocks and shoes and has her jog home, taking the scenic, people-filled route, turning what was supposed to be just a regular exercise session into a publicity event to encourage exercise to the townspeople that lasts for a few weeks. Those who decide to take part in the event are allowed to swat Bridgette's behind as much as the want as long as they jog with her. >w<


haha, you always have this epic ;) okay, but we will call it Bridgette is spanked at the lake after skinny dipping :) and it will be that part of the story :)


Winnie keeps refusing to be breastfed and when she gets threatened with a spanking, Winnie forgets her place and starts insulting her caretaker, so she gets a vicious spanking instead with lots of begging and sobbing from Winnie, preferably otk


Been missing Victoria so here's my idea: Victoria is taken to a company board meeting wearing her a brand new "dress" where they are discussing the possibility of a new fashion line headed by one of Victoria's most despised coworkers, so after acting up and yelling out, Victoria is quickly taken across the knee by her caretaker and spanked on the bare bottom in front of all of her former coworkers. Her childish cotton panties which clings to her ankles, are seen just flying in the air as they are kicked off by her kicking and squirming leaving her completely naked from the waist down.


Hannah mouths off to her Nanny yet again and finds herself about to be striped and spanked on the spot which is pretty bad in of itself but then Raul comes into the room. So now we have a nude and embarrassed Hannah begging her Nanny to take her upstairs for her punishment and a Nanny that’s having none of that.


I don't know if it's ever been explicitly commented on, but Roxxie has made a lot of progress from the arrogant tiny hellion to the chubby cheeked crybaby she is today. I'm kind of curious how she feels about becoming thicker against her will


Posted before finishing, whoops Roxxie throws a tantrum because she's tired of forced feeding and still sees herself as a tiny little thing, not a fatass like mo- uh her sister! Which of course results in a spanking. Jasmine chastises Roxxie for being so judgemental. After all, Jasmine can certainly feel the change in cushioning with every spanking - in fact, she tells the crowd watching - everyone pinch her bottom and feel how chubby it's become!


How about a polished version of the wonderful OTK scene from Mistaken Identity?


Miku was crying in the car because she was told she would get a spanking once they got home. So they pull over at a rest stop for a spanking. In the image she's crying and humiliated because she's otk with her bottom facing the road/picnic tables and her panties are being pulled down to her knees while she's told something along the lines of "Since you can't behave and wait to get your spanking at home we'll just do it here where everyone can watch you cry and see your bottom turn red"


I just posted an idea in the Community tab (doesn't have anything to do with this poll), but I would be interested to hear your guys' thoughts on the proposal/idea. It's about perhaps having Character Appreciation Months (months dedicated to certain characters) Check the community tab for the full details


Love it! Though Roxxie isn't being force fed, she just isn't living her con lifestyle anymore which could afford nutritionists and such, plus her defiance pushes her to steal cookies and snacks just cause she can :)


I love it! but this one is aiming for none ABDL, so how about we roll with cotton panties instead of pullups for this one :)