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  Bridgette's already in a pair of PJ's and a diaper with a VERY early bedtime, her new life is just starting!

 Thank you very much to all of my patrons, and as Bridgette has delivered, an extra thank you to the 20 dollar and above patrons who bring you this image!

 This is also the first image we have that has a messy alt since reintroducing them, if you'd like to see it, download it below, if you DON'T wanna see it, don't download it ;) the regular download is also down there!

  Also I wish a happy 4th of July to all the patrons who celebrate it!




Love how you did the alt on this one. If this is what we can expect from them I definitely look forward to what you do in the future


I think she needs a bigger diaper then that, those Pull-Ups aren't going to cut it for Bridgette.