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   About a year ago I removed diaper messing because it was dominating demand and I got complaints about it, after removing it I got about 3X the amount of complaints for it's removal and saw my biggest drop in patrons. I still get requests for it's return often. I never want it to be front and center again, as I said before, it just was all people asked for, but I have decided I am willing to return them as alts (meaning you won't see them unless you click an attached download called 'messy version'). This would allow those who don't want to see messes to never see them, and those who want them to occasionally get them as alts.
 This poll is just to make sure if there is enough demand for some alts, as stated before, there will never be none messy versions of pics and you will ONLY see the messy version if you click it. The messes will be the same as before, lumps with no color AND ONLY FOR THOSE WHO CLICK THE DOWNLOAD. Suggestion polls will have to stay as none messing as well, or be set so that it can still work as a none messy pic.
 I am trying to accommodate everyone with this as it's the most push and pull topic I have had since starting the patreon. I am running a poll to make sure there truly is enough interest in the return as alts do require more work from me. If you have any opinions on the matter please feel free to reply to this, BUT PLEASE be respectful to everyone, no arguments or insults for those who have or don't have the same interests as you :) it may be a discussion about messing, but lets keep the comments clean *buh dum tss* ;)



Please, no


I’m too invested in these characters/stories to leave...but I thought about it when messy dips were removed. If you made a tier for MORE detailed Mess Alts., I know I’d sign up!


Very much so-- really enjoyed those and hope you include many more of them going forward


*long sigh* clearly I operate on a very different wavelength from most of the people here lol. that's okay, i think this is a fair compromise


as long as it doesn't dominate demand...that would be good


I'm all for it, I mean it's only a natural part of the naughty little girl's regression, and only a natural thing for a new Mommy to have to deal with, even when it's a big baby


I was one of the people who left when you decided to stop doing them. Personally, it's the main thing I want to see. I returned just to see what it's been like since and if they return I'll definitely end up staying. I think the alts are a good middle ground for those who don't want to see them.


Thank you for understanding the demand, and no, they will never be the dominating focus


Thank you. I'm glad you're reconsidering you decision. I hope this will be a civil enough for everyone. Your art is great and trying not to delve into other drama too much, It's nice to see you be open with us and willing to return.


Never liked it but I dont see the harm in having them as ALTS and not front and center pieces, when they were front and center I stopped visiting for a bit personally


Not thrilled to see the gross messing stuff come back. Alt art can be fine but it's important that the subject/story of the art not be messing in that case. That happened the last time alt art was tried. Messing art with not-full/censored diapers is still messing art.


I enjoy the messes because it adds to the humiliation and that’s what I’m into. However, I HATE the large unrealistic lumps and prefer a nice obvious sag that you’d get from a real life dirty diaper. And why not make the coloring brown? Everyone knows the color of poop. Those that want to see it will be fine and not need a preacher afterwards. Those that don’t wanna see it, shouldn’t be nosy and click on it in the first place!


Mostly agree with you. I don't mind unrealistic lumps, each artist have their own style and it feels unique to all their art. Brown or even just stink lines would be nice, but I'm not gonna ask for more than it returning. I know it's unlikely, but it would be cool for the clean version to lead into the messy one so it tells a bit of a story but I doubt that'll happen


100% agree on the realism aspect. Too large a lump and it feels overly cartoony, but sagging and discoloration can tell the same story in a more subtle way.


Here is my take spanking and a little diaper play is erotic and could easily be viewed as role playing between two consenting adults. Once you start force feeding and making women sit in their own feces it starts to border on torture porn - make believe torture I guess but it still feels very creepy.


I never aim for torture porn, i consider all of spankingtoons to be acted scenarios, i need to make some behind the scenes pics someday. But anyways, I'm also into showing the characters regress to the point they are bawling with snotty noses during their spankings, so some would consider that torture porn. Some would consider spanking alone torture, in fact it and the figgings are the most painful parts of the pics. Messing is definitely the most humiliating. This is why i try to give my characters outs, they are usually in regression sentences they can walk out of, or living at home for free. Like i said, i need to make a behind the scenes pic one day.


Wow! Let’s be honest, ABDL, as whole, is creepy to most people,. So tell me, who are you to draw an arbitrary line between what’s erotic and not? A whole lineup of wonderful drawings we ALL paid for are "torture porn" b/c YOU feel they’re creepy? Where do you get off?


It's good the messes pic's are coming back as alts. And don't for get you can't please everyone so i say just please the people you can and have fun with it.


I would some times it does feel a bit like torture porn sometimes, but not all the time. And here is an idea for a behind the scenes pic Bridgetter is getting a spank and yells stop, but then she says her save word and her mommy stops and asks with worry in her eyes if she is okay. And Bridgetter says she has a pain in her back and needs to take something for it.


And the other idea for a behind the scenes pic all the spanktoons girls are eating and just talking, maybe have Roxxie compliment Miku on playing the Alien in the Alien Invasion pic.


I like the idea very much that one can find a messy version as alts : )