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  Purple Viper yet again managed to acquire her old costume and sneak out! Hungry for some destruction -- yet still lacking her powers until her medication wore off, she needed to recruit a temporary army. She spotted the perfect soldiers-to-be in some halloween prankster ladies TPing houses, egging windows, and just causing general mischief. She knew dominance was the key to gaining control over them, so she boldly grabbed a candy bowl they had and claimed it was now hers; However, the pranksters (like many) knew of Purple Viper's fall from grace and were unimpressed and immediately defeated the once super villain. Lacking her powers she attempted to use her fangs, though the pranksters found Viper's own villainess bottoms made a good gag to stop her teeth snapping at them. After that she was soundly spanked until she bawled like a brat in front of these lesser beings. Afterwards they decided if she wanted the candy so much she could have it -- after stuffing her red bottom with candy they strapped the candy bowl to her plump derriere and laughed as she sniffled and hobbled back home to her Mommy defeated...  The hoodlums even paid her house a visit later to watch her Mommy spanking her through the window.




I always love to see a new episode of vipers fall from grace


This needs a follow up. Something like Viper's mommy notices the pranksters outside, along with the bundle of tp, and deduces they're up to no good. After putting Viper to bed she calls up her friends in the neighborhood so they can catch the pranksters. They of course catch them leading to a night of spankings, mouth soaping, figging, etc. The very next morning several sore, and nude pranksters go about cleaning up the mess they made


Or they watch and snicker as Viper’s mommy leads her around to clean up their mess