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So this weekend a couple people sent me some links to forums and groups posting some of my patreon artwork. It's nothing unexpected, but I would like to please ask everyone to not share the exclusive Patreon content. I am incredibly appreciative of the spankingtoons fanbase I have gotten, and since starting the Patreon I have been incentivized to generate way more content then I was before. I was posting about one pic every month or two before, since starting the Patreon I have posted over thirty - and those pics would not exist if I did not have my members. I have been spending hours every week trying to create new content on a regular basis (on top of having a FT job), and also I don't think 5 dollars is an unfair price. So I would be incredibly appreciative if everyone could refrain from sharing the content for free.

On the note of 'free' however... I was thinking since I am producing a lot more content then promised in Patreon rewards, maybe we can start a free pic ending to every month. So how it would work is at the end of the month I put up a poll with pics made that month, and you guys choose which one would become free for the tumblr! This will exclude comics and whole stories though, Only single images apply. I was thinking this month would have 2 polls, one for June's lineup and one for July's. What do you think? If you think it's a great idea or a terrible idea, please comment! :)

I want to end by thanking my patrons again for the support, it's incredibly appreciated and I hope you like the content I have been creating! :D



that kind of thing happened to okayokayokok on DA. some guy put the comic's okayokayokok made/selling, on his website for free.


Yeah, it happens a lot, at least on da you can report it, stuff like Reddit is kinda impossible to do anything.