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Heya everyone,

I hope you enjoyed the last update. I didn't get a lot of feedback regarding bugs, which is quite good. As always, don't hesitate to voice it if you encouter something that need my attention. 

So, as always after an update, I took a few days of break to breath in, and now I'm ready to tackle work. Let's talk as usual about what's coming next. The next update will probably be the last one before the 1.0 version of the game ! 

Focus on the new area

Now that I have focused quite a bit on other things and build the base terrain in-between, I can quickly dive into the new area without wasting a considderable amount of time lying plans,design and building rough sketches. This is good because, as some of you who may have explored it a bit might guess, this area is huge!

The main story

Everything's ready for the story conclusion, and I may focus on finishing it before filling the new area with side content. I will have a lot more opportunity to talk about it, but as I already talked about, I won't create huges levels like the hospital again, so the new area is fully intented to act as a part of the "last level", and a whole deal of the story will involve finding the very last zone of the game.

Continue to build

I've got a whole new town to fill, and while I'll focus on the main story I still want to pack many NPCs and little interactions with the world, as this is where the fun lie.

Other side contents

I don't want to promise anything here, since the whole process of giving live to a whole new area will get pretty intense. But if I see the chance to tie in something nice, I'll do it. What I can do pretty easily now that I've put a bunch of work in it would be to add more variantion to the new clothes. 

And of course, the usual lot of trying to optimize things and bug-fixes if needed.

That's it for now! Next time, we'll explore a bit the new area and officially present it, because I'm sure a lot of you didn't get to explore it yet.

See ya  !


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