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Heya everyone,

This week, I'm finally focusing on creating new content for the next area, after having finished my cosmetic frenzy. For now, it's a lot of boring stuff and I don't have a lot to show off, so I thought I'll tease some more small additions that I did. 

For now, the accidents got only two animations, so it could use more variety. First, I added a reaction animation to the player character, so it feel more believable. it's just a matter of expanding a bit the current ones, with a small action like feeling surprised. I still need to tweak it to maybe skip it if this is a volontary accident. 

And as I was adding the whole bulging deal, I found the current mess animation a bit poor because it doesn't really show a good angle. So, I added another one, and added a bit of randomness so you can get one of the two depending of the dice. 

Finally, and this may not be for everyone, I added a more graphic bulge that expand as the character is having an accident. The main reason was that some underwears, when expanding, can show what's inside, and while playtesting I found that it felt a bit strange, so I added a little object that represent, well, poop. 

I know some of you will like it while for some others it will be an ovbious no-no, so of course you will be able to opt-out of it.

That's it for now, small details today but this add to the total ! this update is getting pretty packed!

See you next time ! 




Very cool! cant wait