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Hey everyone,

I updated itch with the new release.

As you will see, the changelog is quite short, but it's mainly because I had less little things to add,fix and rework, and more big narrative sequence and events. While I improved my workflow a lot, this is still the longest kind of content to make, as I have to carefully craft interactions. I hope you'll have fun with it !

I also took a little time working on a next area that is (at least officialy) not released yet. As I said, this is a way for me to not burn out and take the world building like a slow jog rather that a one or two month rush. I was going to disable the path I use to access the area, but I figured out, why not let it accessible? I'm sure some of you like seeing in-progress areas. Just keep in mind that litterally nothing is final here and that you can potentially bug out if you dare to enter that place. There's also, for now, nothing to do here except sightseeing.

Without further ado, you can find the latest build at the usual link on itch (https://abdlsparrow.itch.io/the-pacifier-project-minor-releases/patreon-access ).

And here's the changelog (You can also find it in the game folder) :


Added a new area after the sewer.It's still in heavy building, but curious ones can go and look around. The entrance is located at the sewers and require to have finished the school level and be up to date with the main story.

Added signs and indications in the city,university and neigborhood to help players navigate the world more easily.

Added a new shortcut between the neigborhood and the city park to reduce ttime spend walking around.

Aded a fog effect to exterior areas to help cull distant object and reduce graphical load and for aesthetic purpose.

The old art studio can now be entered and explored,providing you can find a way to move the very large thing in front of the door.


Story :

Added a follow-up to Ryan questline. You must be a diaper club member and have the memory glasses to start it.

Added new events to the caregiver bar (mature). You can now walk around with a little, spank them and punish them.



The NPCs can now stop following you when a new "follow" event is triggered to ensure there's no two NPCs following you at the same time.



Added a new kind of diaper : Lavender

Added a new kind of PullUps, more boyish. It's hidden in the world and can be grabbed to unlock.

Added a new "weapon" : Cat paw, that can be used to strike foes or spank littles ones.

Added a new store : the secret shop. It can be accessed once you're a caregiver bar member. Talk to the bartender to access it. 

Addded a new currency : caregiver bar currency

See this link to look at the bug list. Remember to go here if you're unsure on how to report a bug.

As usual, don't hesitate to send me a message or write down a comment if you want to share your feedback! Remember that you can take part in the current survey  if you want to give your voice! Each reply help me gain data and hindsight about what's next.

So,with this update behind, I'll take the week-end off (save for the last-minute game breaking bug, if needed) and will came back next week with next plans.

See ya!




where is Ryan cant find him


If you already completed the university night level, most students moved inside the university. Since Ryan is a bit of a loner, you can find him on the roof (This include distracting the worker that guard the entrance of the science classroom)




im stuck on the hospital part i got captured and i went thru and hit the computer switches to open the administrative area but when i go back to the bridge area where i had to hit the button to get the guard out i cant go thru the double set of doors they are just closed for me


Hey, I tried to reproduce the issue, to no avail. I think someone already reported this behaviour to me, and for some reason that I've not yet pinpoinned it seem the level can load twice. So, opening a door only work for one level but not the second one loaded. The clean method to get out of this is to save in front of the computer that open the door and reload your save if the level was, indeed, loaded twice, or to double tap the computer button so,worst case,you open twice the door. I'll see if I can work on a fix.