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Some of the best episodes so far! The Zoldyck fight went crazy!!

51-52 Reaction

53-54 Reaction 


Jason Serrano

Chrollo was fighting to buy time and to steal techniques instead of going for a straight kill. That's what Zeno meant when he said "Unless (Chrollo) decided to actually kill (Zeno."


aaah so happy you're starting to like the show more and see its peak writing! I've been (re)watching it for 20 years now and I never get bored of it ( both versions) it's one of my all time favorite shows! Can't wait for more HxH content!! Ps: can we please refrain from spoiling them? they'll figure things out in later episodes anyways :p


Chrollo is too good he's super smart

The Great Santini

Just getting through these reactions now. Glad to see Carlie correctly understood what Zeno meant when he talked to Chrollo about who is stronger.