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Ep 4 will be out at the end of the week!

Episode 3 Reaction

Password: YLIA3FL



This is one of my all time favorite anime. I can’t “watch it for the first time” anymore, but seeing you guys watching it made it enjoyable in a different way! Thank you for doing this!


I think Kousei’s statement “ I can’t hear the piano” can be up to your own interpretation, but my understanding is that since Kousei is a prodigy, he is so good at playing it that he feels almost as if the piano is making its own sound and Kousei is just playing the tune that he hears from the piano. HxH’s author has also once said that he just thought of the initial plot point for the story then let the story writes itself. I guess true artist has their own way of thinking so it may be hard tfor common folks like us to understand. So anyway, ever since he developed the trauma associated with his Mom, he can no longer hear/feel the piano the way he used to.


Kousei's condition is a real psychological disorder. What's happening to him is a form of psychosomatic disorder, where his ears are biologically functioning, but because of a psychological issue (which the show will delve into later) he literally cannot hear on certain conditions (which is the sound lf the piano when he is playing it himself) .


bruhh it just click me, after your lie in april are finish, how bout carole and tuesday? I think that would be the prefect candidate for the next show. its also about music and its on netflix. I Highly recommend.


Twinkle Little star and ABC's are the same song with different lyrics.