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HERE IT IS! The entire Karasuno vs Seijoh match and it was GLORIOUS! These wont disappoint

Episode 2x21 Reaction

Password: HYU2x21FL

Episode 2x22 Reaction

Password: HYU2x22FL

Episode 2x23 Reaction

Password: HYU2x23FL

Episode 2x24 Reaction

Password: HYU2x24FL 



I'm with Ange far as Iwaizumi appreciation goes. He feels like the Daichi of Aoba Johsai, not necessarily the flashiest player, but provides a solid base for the team. The way they play and their personalities mirror each other a bit as well, Iwaizumi being far more aggressive and offensive while Daichi is calm and defensive. Both have this well earned confidence about them. Thanks for the reactions, these were a lot of fun as always. The third season is my personal favorite, so I'm really looking forward to it!


Is the password for episode 24 not working for anybody else?


Its working, I think there was an extra space. Please make sure that theres no spaces.


「才能は開花させるもの、センスは磨くもの。 」 –及川徹 “Talent is something you make bloom, instinct is something you polish.” This quote alone with the super long set of Oikawa make him the MVP of episode 24 with no doubt.

Maya Coleman

I appreciate how you guys are very nice and understanding towards Yamaguchi because I hate it when certain you tubers are mean towards him (lupa from yaboyroshi and rob from rttv)and make fun of him and they think it is funny and I personally don't like that