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Heres the reaction link! Episode 8 should be live tomorrow


Password: MOB3x7FL



since ange did a little extra this ep for us, we need to see carlie with mobs bob hair cut next reaction🙏


I wholeheartedly feel the ONLY criticism anyone can have for this series in its entirety is that it is too short! Almost every character is so wonderful you can only wish we had more time with them. Teru, Body Improvement club. the former Scar members (that one might just be me), etc etc. Like just imagine a summer camp arc with the body improvement club.


This season is definitely less action and more of an epilogue that gives us great closure to a lot of characters. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. Can’t help but think that ONE didn’t take some inspiration from Fubuki when creating Tome. They share a lot of similar traits that I enjoy. Her being the president of the Telepathy Club like Fubuki being the leader of the Blizzard Group… Tome trying to get Mob to join her club like Fubuki was trying to with Saitama. She even looks like what Fubuki would probably look like in middle school but in ONE’s artstyle😂