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Here are the reaction links!

Episode 7

Episode 8

Episode 9 


The Great Santini

Yayyyy finally! These are definitely the number one reactions I look forward to from you guys. Thanks for 3 at once! I PROMISE you’re going to start loving this show VERY soon.


the utter joy from Ange whenever he says kurapika's name is top-tier 😂

Anthony Richards

Little Gojo and Killua have the same voice actor btw :D


Ange please continue getting hyped for KURAPIKA! He is my favorite character.

Astor Lefflinker

Dunno if people already told you, but the VA for young Gojo is Killua's VA

Alex Wilson

Please let Ange continue yelling Kurapika's name. Carlie's always right, so you gotta let Ange have some wins here and there :p


Just letting you guys know, you can skip ep. 13 as it's entirely a recap episode. You won't miss anything if you skip it.

Reid Dawson

All I can say for the ep 7 discussion is your a genius Ange


skip ep 13 it's just a recap ep

Astor Lefflinker

The series is just warming up but I've enjoyed your reactions to it already. At first I did think that 2 episodes per video would be good, but now that I've watched 9 episodes of your reactions, I truly enjoy 1 ep reaction and your discussions with them. It's so fun, so I hope you stick with 1 ep per vid, especially since it's the episodes will start picking up pace very soon.

Uchiha With Some Gas

yo? is there a way to watch this reactions on the phone? i know in pc u can play 2 videos, but how i can do it on phone?


hey, I know this is late but I had this issue a while back, it's a weird Patreon app issue, if you go to the browser on phone it should work. Mine just went back to normal eventually, idk.