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Dimple is on a revenge tour
Here are the reaction links!

Episode 3x3

Password: MOB3x3FL

Episode 3x4

Password: MOB3x4FL


Matt Rhinehart

Are the other 3 86 videos coming today as well?


Come on guys, just 5 minutes a day. What could possibly be bad about it?

Raul Velazquez

Since I wanna burst ange’s bubble, he wasn’t faking being brainwashed he knocked himself out of it because he said “how dare you brainwash me not once but twice”


this little arc with dimple is one of my faves, can't wait for the next episodes!


loving the reactions to this season!! i personally genuinely like tsubomi. i think she is just a normal girl that mob has put on a sort of pedestal, which is not to any fault of his, especially since everyone else around her does it too. she has never been mean or rude to him either imo, just honest the way kids are. she thought his talents were interesting at first and then grew disinterested bc she seems the type of character to search for more. as you can see in episode 3x3, she doesn't even engage her friends when they are talking about drama and is looking elsewhere sort of zoning out. same as when she visited reigen with another friend; she seems disinterested in that sort of stuff, things you /could/ call one-dimensional. but back in season 2 when mob really got through to the writer girl who was fake-dating him, we for the first time see her actively interested and happy. same with mob pushing himself at the race! she was at the sidelines ready to cheer him on, only to stop and smile at seeing *just* how hard he was trying. she's a very interesting and well thought out character to me. it's easy to write her off as a bitch but she's yet to actually hurt anybody, at least i think. and the self confidence she 'took' from mob that fateful day was mostly his own projection of how he built/builds his identity around his powers, which is already a character arc intrinsic to him and this series. because we see this world from mob's eyes it's easy to forget that it's purposeful that he isn't perfect! and that his view of her will be inaccurate and probably directly influence ours, simply because we're rooting for him (though: as we should)


The entire city has been brainwashed except for Mob at the moment. Dimple has drawn in so much power the effects are just far reaching now with all the roots spreading across. And, lmao Carlie, Jamie Lannister's character arc is the very epitome of lazy writing.

Weeb Senpai

The energy was not from Mob but from Sho's dad saving his energy for 30 years. Mob only redirected it to the broccoli seeds.