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Here is the reaction link!

Episode 2 



I’m in traffic, can’t wait to get home and watch it🫡

tanzim haque

Still can't believe this is happening 😭❤️


yes so sad they are being introduced to one piece by it's mcdonald version instead of the original one.


the original comment loves that this is happening (like many others) thought that was obvious u dumb dumb 😂


We finally get a good live adaptation and there are people who hate just hate it for no reason lol. They should be glad that more people are being introduced to OP because of this live action.

tanzim haque

Yeah I’m just glad they’ve started this, and enjoying it too. Who knows, they might even get interested in watching the anime adaptation itself!


one thing to say is devil fruits have powers that are weird (eg. stretchy luffy, chop chop buggy), so people that have simple powers(eg. strength etc.) are just their own abilities and not devil fruit powers

tanzim haque

Yeah I’m just glad they’ve started this, and enjoying it too. Who knows, they might even get interested in watching the anime adaptation itself!


you hating too much bother versions are good but i agree the anime is the superior one atleast be happy they might consider watching one piece the anime after this i really would be happy if they just posted 1 ep per week until they finish hxh