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We'll be dropping the final 3 episodes next week! These two episodes were absolute mayhem. 61 has to be one of our favourites.

Episode 60

Password: FMAB60FL

Episode 61

Password: FMAB61FL



You can say you like Roy's ass, Carlie, Ange has had his fair share 🤣


Is Father complaining about people destroying others' homes? The nerve on this flask dwarf!

Danny C

“They even burned the socks” Has to be my favourite Ange revenge lines of the show 😂 Also, remember when Ed and Al had tea with Wraths family and he said “Even a man like me has a family waiting for them at home”? That was also another small part where he shows some form of care for his wife, while also reminding them about Winry being a hostage. I don’t think I’m prepared to see the last 3 reactions to this show. Carlie, bring tissues

Danny C

I said it once, and I’ll say it again, you guys have ridiculous memory when it comes to reaction channels. The amount of details you both remember really makes the reactions feel so genuine and not just a cash grab channel, so hats off to you guys 👏🏼


Next week cannot come soon enough 😭


Wrath - met his end peacefully content with life he had. PS Sun blinding him and giving Scar an opening is also symbolic of Gods Judjment Wrath mocked. Pride - was spared, because he threw his pride for survival, humiliated, thus he became lesser being.


Next Week is gonna be fire guys. Cant wait for it <3


I wonder what could have happened if the sun didn't get in Bradley's eye at that moment.


You know what might be fun? Find an illustration of the entire cast of characters, and see how many of them you can name. This story is full of awesome, amazing characters, that make you care for them, even if they only had an episode or two of screen time. So I'm sure that you can recall their names, or at least the part that they played in the full story.


Remember Lust died admiring a man vs the man admiring her is the irony of her death, she was the epitome of Lust. Also fun fact both the voice actors (English dub) for Lust & Mustang are married so I bet they had some fun with their lines in Lust's final episode..😁


Idk if you'll read this a day after, but all homunculi deaths are ironic, except "og" Greed I guess: Lust - Beauty, sexual, yada yada, dies screaming and wailing, and if you rewatch the scene she's drawn as a black shadow, not beautiful and elegance, as I think Wrath says earlier she died with her HONOUR in tact, but still technically a "ugly" death. Sloth - as you said worked hard then died. Gluttony - was eaten. Wrath - died peacefully and the most of all of them. Envy - was envious of humans, the very people he looked down on, and unlike the ugliness of envy itself, was very vulnerable and open (people aren't often open about their envy, it's one of the uglier sins people keep to themselves). Pride - didn't really "die", but what we saw be the end of Pride here was his abandonment of his Pride in himself, I won't explain it since you can simply relisten to Kimblee's speech and that explains the irony in of itself. Greed is the only homunculi left, and father himself if you count him? "Dwarf in the flask, homunculus". Looking forward to next week and I can hopefully explain anything missed in the final 3 discussions! :) Love y'all~


Great reaction sad its almost over but i can not wait for your next FM reaction. One thing i would like to ask for the final video you 2 do on FM is if you 2 were in this would what would be your choice as a Alchemist. (Excluding being like Ed and Al that uses all types of Alchemy)


I don't think Pride's baby form has any symbolism/irony attached to it. The "ironic death" for Pride is simply his forsaking of his Homunculus superiority in order to dwell in the body of an inferior being for something as "shameful" as survival. Had he not done that he probably could've beaten Ed and gotten away to safety in some way.

Li Hong

I feel each homunculus displays a secondary sin. Greed - Has lust element. He expressed before that he wants women. He also expressed some interest/admiration for Winry and Lan Fan. Pride - Has gluttony element. He ate humans and Gluttony. The soldiers that disappeared in the tunnel under Briggs were eaten by him. I believe he attempted to eat Hohenheim when the latter was checking out the tunnel under Liore but reached the end of his shadows before he could. Wrath - Had envy element. He didn't have to marry. He could have just come up with a story and be a single dad with Selim. Seems to me he got married and played house because he wants to experience what it's like to have a normal family. Sloth - Had wrath element. He desired to rest but couldn't because of the work Pride made him do. So he complained all the time. This accumulated wrath in him. We can see him acting it out when he failed to kill Olivier. Envy - Had pride element. We can see his arrogance from the way he acted. Gluttony - Had greed element. He always asked if he could eat. I googled the definition and one of the results says "habitual greed or excess in eating." Lust - Had sloth element. She seduced and stabbed people. No other physical work. She seemed to walk slowly too.

정빈 이

A bit late comment but I think Envy died from shame and pity by humans.