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Here's our reaction link!

Episode 2 



When it comes to yen conversion (I'm in the US, but I don't think it's that different with you guys in Australia), just add a decimal place two digits from the right. If this was a couple of years ago, before the covid economic crisis, 300 yen would have been close to $3.00. Back in 2018, 1,000,000 yen, which sounds like a lot, would have been nearly $10,000 ($9,157 to be specific). Hope this helps. TLDR: The last two digits in yen are basically cents.


Hey, idk if it was asked or answered before, not really important if not, but will u guys ever reupload the full length reactions of Attack on titan season 1 in the future ?


Just looked it up and you're right. Thanks for lmk. I'm too used to explaining this to Americans. Funny enough, I just looked up the current exchange rate for 1 aus to yen and it turns out they're pretty close. So, the same idea would apply, but it's even easier in AUS dollars.