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This might be the goat anime


Bob Bob

Guys could you show the top sub titles too. The bottom subs too if they are long.


re naming the channel is wild LMAO


Yeah it usually wasn't a problem for some of the past series as they weren't as talky but this is such a dialogue heavy show that it's bound to happen.


"NO NO KEEP WATCHING!" Ahhh, a man of culture...


THAT WAS JUST NORMAL HAIR IN THE CHOCOLATE ANGE LMAO It is a creepy message of "After you eat it, part of me will be inside of your body" Btw the chika dance actually became a meme and a trend on tiktok for a time where people doing the dance haha


The Chika dance ending had realistic movements because the animators used the rotoscope technique; which if I understand correctly, it's when the animators trace over a real actor/dancer recording. Even though I say trace, it's a lot of work I hear. According to a twitter/reddit post, there were "845 key frames, 1124 in-betweens/traced keys". It's crazy that they did this for one ending, but it blew up when it came out and got lots of attention, so at least it got recognition around the world. Also, referring back to the part of the episode where the little girl was walking to school, that is very normal in Japan. It's sounds absurd, but it's very common for kids (elementary school age even) to go around on trains and busses to get to places, especially in major cities like Tokyo. I wasn't sure if this show was going to mesh well for you guys, but I'm glad you guys really seem to love it! That "befuffled"/"kerfuffled" bit got me and idk why🤣🤣

FTN Chicken

The emotional whiplash of alternating between this show and Vinland Saga is actually killing me XD

Astor Lefflinker

20:08 Is this a sign that this channel is ready for an isekai and be introduced to truck-kun? If so, I would recommend Mushoku Tensei. Chika's voice actress is there, too and she's great.

Astor Lefflinker

Here we go again. Reincarnation doesn't have the same meaning as possession. If the MC was a real pedophile (SPOILERS AHEAD) then how come once he grew up to be an adult in his new world, he never lewded on minors? Until the end of the story he only ever went after girls his physical age or older.


brother you are absolutely deluding yourself if you dont think rudy is creepy and deplorable at the beginning of the story, not to mention missing the point of his growth. don't "here we go again" the sexualization of minors. its okay to like the series (i love it) but you can't just sweep his behavior under the rug and say it's okay

Astor Lefflinker

@schmitty I never said that Rudy wasn't creepy and deplorable at the beginning of the story. I said he's not a pedophile. Don't twist my words. Those two are different things. Like I said, if he was a real pedophile, he'd have gone lewd over girls much younger than him even when he grew to be an adult, but nah when he grew to be an adult in his new world, he never went after girls younger than him. I said "here we go again" because there's so much confusion about reincarnation and possession. Rudy was reincarnated into a new body whilst retaining his memories from his past life. If he was still the same person and his new body doesn't have any effect on him, why do you think he said that Zenith wasn't turning him on? His aunt also didn't turn him on and he kept wondering why. So tiring to recommend this series because of comments like Josh's and to an extent, yours, because it'll definitely scare reactors away and might not give it a chance which is a real shame because the series is one of the best animes ever.


while I'm happy C&A are discovering and enjoying anime, this is why I'm also scared for them - and the channel. many anime have problematic moments - like sexualizing of minors or objectifying/sexually harassing female characters - and Patrons will recommend them cause they're either too young to understand, or simply don't care. I'm really scared they'll once watch an anime like this and be disgusted and drop anime altogether.

Carlie & Ange

Ohhh dang! You’ve always got such insight with the series we’re watching. Thanks for sharing. Its pretty insane how much effort goes into it all!


I think this kind of anime is too advanced for them let them ease a bit more to more stuff but its such a good show and i agree that Rudy is a creep but still I want them to be the judge of it I think they will enjoy this show a lot except for the you know parts


Just like to keep you guys informed with the fun facts, VA connections, and other general things about the shows you guys react to. Especially since you two are relatively new to anime, I feel these would be nice to know and it might help you guys appreciate the shows/industry more. Glad to know you guys are interested!


Given the amount of anime facts that Madhouse throws out for every anime, I am 80% sure it's a PR rep from the actual studio. You might as well negotiate a sponsorship deal for reacting to some of their animes. 🤣

John Pardue

“What? Were you.. someone’s Kaguya?” Oh my goodness I’m dying XD


Lmao.. well said. Super late comment, but I just realized that dance at the end resembles motion capture more than Rotoscoping. It's crazy that they Rotoscoped it to such detail, tracing over so many frames. Rotoscoping has always been surreal because of that, examples like the Scanner Darkly, Renaissance or Undone. It's all been Rotoscoped over live imagery to give you that ethereal effect but this feels like straight up motion capture. I am super curious as to how this was acheived if this was Rotoscoped, seems to be the pinnacle of blending Rotoscoping with live performance. Is there a behind the scenes video for reference?