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Hello again, my beautiful Patrons.

As promised, I give you the incredibly handsome IMPACT with his impressive sword pulled out and ready for action!

IMPACT is this month's first PATRON SAINT Digital Figure Commission, and he's FIGURE #13 in Wave 01 of my DIGITAL ACTION FIGURES line.

He was created and requested by ANDREW BROWN. I first drew him nearly 12 years ago, way back in 2012 in a STRIPSHOW episode that teamed him up with none other than the OG NAKED JUSTICE! Together, they defeated the evil... and super horny IMPALER! LOL!

This hunky, elegant hero is a time traveler who watches over the time-line, amongst other things. It's been a while since I last drew him (the last time was in 2015, in yet another STRIPSHOW episode) and I really LOVED this new opportunity to play with him again! THANKS, ANDREW!! XD

IMPACT'S got loads of variants, and soon we're gonna see him COMPLETELY out of uniform! That's coming up a little later this month. For now, I hope you enjoy his first two versions. And remember, there are LOADS of hot new comics and art still to come this month, so STAY TOONED!!

ARTWORK: Patrick Fillion

COLORS: Cabrera & Fillion

IMPACT is © Copyright ANDREW BROWN. All rights reserved.

Illustrations © Copyright 2024 Patrick Fillion. All rights reserved. 



Jocko Ak-shan

Oooh, he's cut. 😍 I like both but it's not too common for your heroes, is it? Or do you try to keep it balanced?

Conor Young

Damn, nice to meet you, Impact! He looks gorgeous, especially those tight white pants and the way they highlights the muscles of his thighs. Loooooove the description of the bendable penis on the packaging XD I know I would have LOVED a feature like that for my action figures!


When creating a character, I tend to ask myself if it would be logical for him to be cut on not, based on his background and origins. It has to make sense, either way. As far as Impact's concenred, he doesn't belong to me, and was created by Andrew. I absolutely respect the character's design, and he was always intended to be cut so that's how I drew him. My experience growing up in Canada has mostly been with uncircumcised men, so I guess that's sort of translated to my art over the years. But I love cut guys too, and I LOVE that characters like Ghostboy, for example, seem somehow unique because they're cut, whereas most of my men aren't! Ah, the things an artist of gay erotic comics has to think about on a daily basis! HA HA HA! 😆😆🤗💖💖


HA HA HA! Oh, God, ME TOO -- as a kid, I would have LOVED for my Masters of the Universe to come with that particular action feature! LOL! 🤣🤣 Sadly, that's not the dimension we live in... 😭😭 so I do my best to provide! HEE HEE! I love how much you enjoyed Impact, my dear Conor. He's always a great deal of fun to draw, because aesthetic-wise, he's quite different from most of my other guys, in that lovely "preior-inspired" costume of his. I LOVE that you enjoyed the way the pants hug those thick thighs of his... a part, I confess, I GREATLY appreciated getting to draw. Thanks for the love and kind words, my friend. SMOOCHES to you! XOXOX 😊😆😘❤️