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Not much progress this week because I'm clearing all works. But I've prepare something and do experiment about multitasking. 

Because everyone has limited time in 1 day, sometimes "Multitasking" is required
The core of Multitasking is

- by scientific fact, human brain can't focus on 2 things at the same time, but can switch the task between them.

- Human nowadays can focus only around 15 mins on one thing before learning curve is dropped.

- task have 2 type, Input task and Skill task. (just my personal definition)

- Input task is to put information into your brain. Focusing is required. Such as reading a book, observing object, watching documentary. they can be separate by type, "by watching", "by doing", "by listening",

- Skill task is an activity that you already know how to do it. Such as, washing a bathroom, jogging, working on the same method. The more you do, the faster and better you get.

to do "Multitasking"...

-DO NOT pair 2 Input tasks together. you might get only 5% efficiency from both tasks.

-The only Input task that can be paired with Skill task is "Listening". Watching diary when Jogging, or listen to the audiobook when drawing. BUT, you will get only 50% or less information by this method and your skill task will not be improved too and performance can be dropped up to 50% depends on the task.

-focusing on 1 task at hand but switching the task every 30 mins or 1 hour might be a good idea, but you need to take a rest after 2 or 3 hours straight before burnout.

- but if your work is consuming your entire day, learning by listening might be the only choice. to do this, repeat listening to the same video or audio many times as possible without caring about the context. let your "muscle memory" do the job.

-don't forget to take a note or write a diary of what you learn in 1 day. Just a short note can improve your long term memory. Scientific confirm, you can find the paper anywhere.

-and you will forgot almost 80% of your learning from yesterday, don't worry, your deep core memory can still remember it. Repeat the same method today and tomorrow will get you an permanent knowledge. It's boring, but it's better than learn nothing.

Recommend : Language teaching video, Historical documentary, Ted Talk, talk-only show, etc.
Not Recommend : Scientific documentary, Anime, Drawing video, Video that explain things by picture.

This is just my personal thought and all percentile is only my personal estimation , not guarantee the result because this is only an experimental method. Please read with caution and gather more information elsewhere too.

record on 12/4/2021   -Escape




Learned something new Thanks for posting this. This may help with fixing my concentration issues when I work on a project


I don't suggest Multitasking unless you don't have other choice. 1 task at the time is the best method. And also don't forget to take a bit break after 15-30 mins of learning.